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Study advice: How to keep yourself motivated

21/08/23 12:00 / by Anne Roberts posted in Study and exams


Throughout the semester, it’s easy to let your carefully thought out study plan fall to the back of your mind. Work, family and social priorities can take over, which means you could miss a couple of weeks of valuable study time.

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5 tips to kick-start your study

07/08/23 12:00 / by The Insurance Institute posted in Study and exams


Registering for a qualification can be daunting, particularly when you plan to study while working. Feeling overwhelmed or uncertain is completely normal. However, the key to success is to stay organised and manage your time efficiently. This not only reduces stress but also prepares you for the upcoming months.

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What is Quitch and 5 other new student questions.

24/08/22 16:16 / by Anne Roberts posted in Study and exams


Online learning has exploded in recent years. Especially since the pandemic. It’s therefore not surprising that the ways in which we learn online are being enhanced further, and tools and techniques are being deployed to improve our learning experience and our ability to retain information. One example of this is Quitch, one of our newest and most popular study supports. But what exactly is Quitch? Let’s break it down.

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The first 7 weeks of the Higher Diploma in Insurance Management.

19/08/22 01:00 / by Lisa Rowe posted in Study and exams, Insurance, Qualifications, productivity, higher diploma in insurance management


Before committing to a course, we appreciate how important it is to consider your options properly, so we asked Lisa Rowe, BA CIP, Marsh, to keep a journal of her experiences of her first seven weeks as she started her studying journey with us for The Higher Diploma in Insurance Management (MDI). Here are her thoughts ...

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The 3 Things To Read Before Your Next Exam

15/05/22 11:33 / by Anne Roberts posted in Study and exams, exams, online exams


We partner with Irish based company TestReach to deliver your exams. They are experts in the creation, delivery and remote invigilation of computer-based examinations.

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Study advice: How to keep yourself motivated

11/05/22 09:00 / by Anne Roberts posted in Study and exams


Throughout the semester, it’s easy to let your carefully thought out study plan fall to the back of your mind. Work, family and social priorities can take over, which means you could miss a couple of weeks of valuable study time.

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A Step by Step Guide to our Exams

19/11/19 11:00 / by The Insurance Institute posted in Study and exams


Exams can be a stressful time. One of the best ways to reduce this stress is to be prepared. To help you with your preparation, we've put together a clear step by step of the year. From how to register to getting your results, we've got you covered.

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The Changing Face of Insurance: 5 Things We've Learned From This Quarters Insider

26/10/18 12:23 / by The Insurance Institute posted in Thinkpiece, Careers, Industry Insights, Study and exams, Student Stories, The Insider


If you missed this quarter's edition of the Insider magazine, don't worry. Here are the 5 things we've all learned from it. Also, don't forget, you can still catch up in the member area, or by emailing us to get your hands on a printed copy.

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Study Tips From An 'Award Winning' Apprentice

20/04/18 11:35 / by The Insurance Institute posted in Study and exams, Student Stories


One of our first apprentices, Colin who received an award for achieving the highest pass rate of an APA student from our Cork Institute. We wanted to ask him what his secrets were and if he was willing to share his study tips! Here's what he had to say;

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CPD: Dealing with my first end-of-year submission

01/12/17 13:18 / by Tom Grace posted in Careers, Industry Insights, Study and exams, Student Stories, The Insurance Institute


When I received my APA (Accredited Product Adviser) designation at the end of last year, I gave myself a little pat on the back for a job well done. It was a great feeling to get recognition for the hours of study I’d put in on top of my day job, a feeling that I’m sure was shared by all graduates at conferrals earlier this year.

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