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The Insurance Practitioner Apprenticeship - A Q&A with Simon Murphy, Learning and Development Manager at Sedgwick

28/05/21 14:36 / by The Insurance Institute

The Insurance Institute


Simon Murphy, Learning and Development Manager at Sedgwick believes The Insurance Practitioner Apprenticeship has provided the company with a diverse range of opportunities and he credits it as being a hugely effective recruitment method. Sedgwick currently has two apprentices – one in Cork and one in Dublin, and we recently caught up with Simon to learn more about how the programme has positively impacted the business.



What are the main differences you have noticed between your hires that have gone through the apprenticeship and those who went down the traditional college route?

We have found that our apprentices are better-rounded when it comes to insurance knowledge. They have an in-depth knowledge not only in the principals and fundamentals of insurance but also show strength in marketing, mathematical and problem solving skills. Our apprentices are very driven and we can see that they strive to continue their career within the insurance profession.


Have you promoted any of your current employees through The Insurance Practitioner Apprenticeship? What are the advantages of promoting from within over hiring someone who has recently completed a traditional college degree?

At Sedgwick, we advocate and support internal promotion and progression. We offer candidates and colleagues careers and have defined progression pathways within each of our business units. We pride ourselves on promoting a culture of support and recognition and embed our core value 'Growth' into each CR, Learning and Development business strategy. We have successfully promoted colleagues who are undergoing The Insurance Practitioner Apprenticeship programme within our organisation. Their experience, knowledge and expertise within the insurance remit enables a smooth transition into the new role, reduces training time and mitigates specific knowledge gaps.



Has the COVID-19 crisis affected your options while hiring and does The Insurance Practitioner Apprenticeship present an opportunity in the current market? How so?

Covid-19 has expanded our scope and methods by which we recruit; it has enabled us to think outside the box to explore and research all avenues in order to effectively recruit and on-board from a virtual capacity and ensure engagement levels are increased and prioritised. The Insurance Practitioner Apprenticeship has proven to be a successful recruitment method. It is a unique and specialised opportunity and enables Sedgwick to attract strong, focused and committed candidates who value working in the insurance industry and are motivated and committed to a future within this area which is essential given our current climate and current market. Sedgwick provide niche business, adjusting and recruitment solutions to the Insurance and Financial sectors, The Insurance Practitioner Apprenticeship offering is an additional string to our bow providing both the apprentice with a diverse range of opportunities and our Clients with specialist colleagues who understand the business sector.


Has the availability of The Insurance Practitioner Apprenticeship and the opportunity to progress their careers within the company changed the atmosphere among your other staff?

Sedgwick operate and promote an inclusive working environment embedded by a culture of support, progression and development. The availability of The Insurance Practitioner Apprenticeship has opened up new opportunities and assisted in the retention of key colleagues and core talent. This has increased the positive atmosphere within the organisation where managers and leaders welcome the variety of experience among team members. Having a range of experience has enhanced diversity amongst teams allowing other colleagues to explore and research the insurance qualification and The Insurance Practitioner Apprenticeship programme.

Interested in hiring an apprentice? Find out everything you need to know at