On the lookout for a new role but unsure about how to differentiate yourself from the masses? We spoke with Noreen O'Keeffe (Redtree Recruitment) who has worked as a recruiter in the insurance industry for over 9 years. We asked her to give us her top tips how to make that next step forward in your career.
An everyday part of Noreen's job is reviewing CV’s and assessing whether the candidates are a good match for her client’s requirements. While many aspects are taken into consideration in this process, standing out from the crowd is becoming vital in competitive industries such as insurance.
With that in mind, Noreen O'Keefe provided us with her top 5 tips to help set yourself apart from everyone else!
1. Continuous Development
In order to stand out from the crowd, the one pertinent area will be continuous professional development. This will involve continuing your education beyond just minimum competency requirements and keeping up with ongoing training with CPD lectures and events. Enhancing your qualifications will always be a positive step to make in your career so keep adding to your qualifications! Not only are you increasing your technical capabilities in the market, but it also shows commitment, the ability to manage your time and a hard-working ethos, all the characteristics employers are looking for.
Want to enhance your qualifications? Visit our website today!

Noreen says: 'I am often asked by candidates if it is worth continuing their insurance industry education and my answer is always a resounding yes! Just a quick look at any insurance job spec you will notice that ACII or working towards it is as big a requirement as ever'
2. Map our your career (set goals and milestones)
If you are ambitious and want to progress your career you need be strategic. If you know where you would like to move to in the future, you need to put the stepping stones in place in advance. Many of the larger employers in the market will have a Talent Management process in place within the HR department to work with employees in order to reach their goals. But if you don’t have that advantage why not put together your own talent framework?
See related blog post: reputation management

3. Networking
This is a vital aspect of career development. If you wish to advance in your career or take that next step, you need to reach out to more experienced individuals in the industry. Even just having those connections alone will help you to stand out from other candidates.
Noreen's tip: 'Look for a mentor within the sector that you would aspire to be in – if no formal mentoring program is in place in your organisation then reach out to more senior industry figures, you would be surprised how willing people are to share their experiences and wisdom!'
4. Inform yourself: keep up to date with latest news and trends
It is really important to keep yourself up to date with current events, trends and news within your industry. Being aware of these aspects of the market will enhance your confidence and your knowledge of particular subjects. Plus, understanding the wider developments within the market will show your dedication and interest to the role.
Tip: Take a look at the 'industry insights' section of our blog to read about insurance news and technological advancements!

5. Review and Tailor your CV as you grow
As you improve your skills and knowledge on certain subject areas, you should edit your CV. You'd be surprised at how many things you may not think of when you're rushing to get your CV ready before an interview. Show off what you've learned. This will prove that you are dedicated and invested in your industry.
Top tip: Don't overload your CV either. Tailor it to the job you are applying for and make sure to highlight those particular skills the most.
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